Primochenko HDD Regenerator Tool 1.51




Main features: 

- Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface.
- Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface.
- The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks.
- Bootable regenerating diskette allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically.
- Bootable regenerating CD can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process

Important notes:

- Since the program does not change the logical structure of a hard drive, the file system may still show some sectors marked earlier as "bad", and other disk utilities such as Scandisk will detect logical bad sectors even though the disk has been successfully regenerated and is no longer damaged by physical bad sectors. If you want to remove these marks, repartition the hard disk drive. 

Primochenko HDD Regenerator Utility HDD Regenerator Tool HDD Regenerator Utility HDD Regenerator Primochenko Hard Disk Drive

Other Drivers & Tools
Windows 9X
  file size:
2.2 MB