Corsair Link Software 2.4.4948 Beta




- LED configuration panel will hold settings after reboot/shutdown of the system.
- Progress information for the user
- Additional CRC verification step
- Automatic retry if an error occurs
- Revised the two default “Light” and “Dark” themes. “Light” is now default. 
- White is now the default font color for the UI
- If you have manually saved the profile and not made any changes you will NOT be prompted to save again when exiting the program.
- Memory leaks fixed
- CPU Avg Temp and Activity labeled as such to mirror AFP naming
- LED mode change improved
- General options modes for Celsius and Fahrenheit cannot be unselected
- LED now remembers different “normal” and “cycle step 0” colors; these are NOT saved in the Lighting Node however, and must be saved in the profile (otherwise it will come up as black)
- LED temperature mode Fahrenheit bug corrected
- LEDs can now be controlled by load devices (e.g., CPU or AFP)
- LED mode is now correctly set when changing back to normal mode
- Fixed watchdog conflict with boot-loader
- LED Pulse mode works without profile having been saved
- Groups can be selectively hidden; alternately all formerly hidden groups can be shown
- Fixed spelling of Celsius and some other grammatical errors

Corsair Link Cooling Software Corsair Linking Software Corsair Monitoring Software Link Corsair Cooling Monitoring

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  file size:
12.8 MB
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