Pebble SmartWatch Firmware 1.12.0




Pebble Technology proudly announces the release of Pebble OS v1.12.0 firmware:

What's New:

- The backlight now turns on momentarily when a charger is connected.
- Lots of goodies for watchapp developers that will be unlocked when the new version of PebbleKit is released.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed subject/sender cutoff in notifications with long subjects/senders.
- Fixed motion backlight from sporadically not working.
- Fixed factory reset to disable the QC app and perform the reset.
- Fixed long click release after changing the action bar icon.
- Fixed textlayergetmaxused_size to always return the right size.
- Fixed graphics draw pixel, circle, round rect to draw inside the layer.
- Fixed graphics draw rect, round rect to use the stroke color.
- Fixed graphics GCompOpAnd bitmap compositing mode to not have artifacts.
- Fixed graphics gpath filled to not have cuts.

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

PebbleOS Firmware Update PebbleOS SmartWatch Firmware SmartWatch Firmware Update SmartWatch Firmware Pebble PebbleOS