FiiO X5 Portable Player Firmware 2.0




New / improved features:

- Support for DSD64 music tracks in DSDIFF (.dsf) and DFF (.dff) formats.
- Support for OTG storage (currently supports USB drives powered by Skymedi, Luansheng, Innostor, SiliconGo, Phison, CBM and Bensheng USB controllers. USB hard disks not yet supported.)
- Support for APE music tracks upgraded to High at 192k/24bit.
- Support for HE-AAC.
- Support for playback of some music formats at 32bit/64bit depth, including floating point decoding.

Bug fixes and improvements:

- Improved response speed when switching between songs.
- Improved MP3、WMA、OGG and FLAC decoding and sound quality. (All-new audio decoding engine and database engine.)
- Improved gapless playback (note that gapless playback is only in effect when playing songs in order). Zero gaps between songs of the same sample rate.
- Improved support for ID3 tags and album covers (removed file size limits for displaying album covers)
- Screen will now time out correctly (according to the screen timeout setting in the settings menu) while X5 is connected to a computer or turned off for charging.
- Improved UI of Play All and Browse Files.
- Fixed issue in version 1.20 where left channel of ogg vorbis tracks were played back with noise.
- Corrected issue where FLAC tracks defined by CUE files were not played back from the correct starting position.
- Corrected playback of songs at 88.2kHz sample rate.
- Numerous other bug fixes.

X5 Portable Player Firmware FiiO X5 Player Firmware X5 Player Firmware Update X5 Firmware FiiO Portable Player

OS Independent
  file size:
24.6 MB