The current update includes system performance improvements

Apr 12, 2018 16:10 GMT  ·  By

Today, Sony has made available its 5.53 firmware package developed for PlayStation 4 gaming consoles, which should improve the device’s overall performance. However, it would be best if you apply it on your Sony console and find out for yourself what the changes are.

To do so, save the downloadable .PUP file on your local storage, create a “PS4/UPDATE” path onto a FAT32-formatted USB stick and store the firmware there. Now, just insert the stick into your PlayStation 4 system and make sure it’s turned off.

Afterward, press and hold the Power button for at least 7 seconds so that it can enter safe mode, navigate to the Update System Software section, and follow all instructions as the console will guide you through the installation.

Still, bear in mind that removing the USB drive, turning the console off, making use of any of its buttons, or interrupting the upgrade in any way might cause serious device malfunctions or even render it unusable.

Last but not least, if the firmware update isn’t initiated automatically or your console doesn’t recognize the USB stick you just prepared, make sure to check the above-described steps and see if you have followed them correctly.

Considering all of the above, download Sony PlayStation 4 Firmware 5.53, apply it, and always check our website to stay “updated one minute ago.”