The new firmware release updates OpenVPN, OpenSSL, and more

Mar 17, 2016 08:53 GMT  ·  By

AsusWrt-Merlin has made available a new firmware package targeted at certain ASUS router models, namely version 380.58 beta 1, which merges with 380_1354 GPL and adds settings that allow for configuring OpenVPN auth digest algo and logging verbosity.

In addition to that, the developer has managed to include Tweaks and Hacks settings to “Other Settings.” However, take into account that these are unsupported tweaks intended for experimentation or very specific situations.

When it comes to changes, the present firmware updates OpenVPN (2.3.10), OpenSSL (1.0.2g), MiniUPnPd (1.9.20160222), and udpxy (1.0-build 23-10) versions, and disables X11 Forwarding support in Dropbear due to security reasons.

Moreover, Merlin fixes PPTP static route handling script, corrects the VPN Client 3 status, and removes a bug that prevented using the router for IPv6 lookups. Also, MiniDLNA won’t check for the wrong database filename, and as highlighted in the Release Notes below, a few other issues will be resolved.

As for installation, simply save and unzip the appropriate package for your device model, log into your router’s administration page, and use the newly extracted .trx file to initiate the upgrade.

That said, download AsusWrt-Merlin Router Firmware 380.58 Beta 1 for your specific model, apply it, and enjoy the changes that this new release brings about. Also, constantly check our website in order to stay “updated one minute ago.”

Release Notes