The release improves the quality of the system performance

Oct 12, 2018 11:40 GMT  ·  By

Sony announced the availability of its 4.83 system software update developed for PlayStation 3 gaming consoles, which should improve the overall quality of the system performance.

Even though it doesn’t bring significant changes to the console, you should still apply this release on your device. Sony always recommends using the latest firmware updates available.

To do so, first of all, save the downloadable .PUP file, format a memory card using your console, create a “PS3/UPDATE” path and then transfer the “PS3UPDAT.PUP” file into the newly created folder.

If all has been done correctly, connect the prepared card into your PS3 system, go to Settings → System Update → Update via Storage Media, and wait for firmware 4.83 to be found. Once it has been located, the console will automatically initiate the upgrade process.

However, you still have to permit the PS3 to allow it to apply Sony’s new firmware. Also, stick close to your device while it’s upgrading, as it might require additional steps to be followed.

When it comes to recommendations, it would be a good idea not to turn off Sony’s PlayStation 3 unit or remove its memory stick while installation is in progress. Doing so will not only interrupt the upgrade, but it might also severely damage the console.

That said, download Sony PlayStation 3 Firmware 4.83, apply it on your gaming system, and enjoy your newly improved console. Also, regularly check our website to stay “updated one minute ago.”