This newly released update adds a bunch of new features, improvements, and fixed issues

Dec 4, 2013 09:39 GMT  ·  By

Allen & Heath has made a new update targeted at its Qu-16 digital mixer available, namely firmware version 1.20, which adds a large number of new features, improvements, and fixed issues.

Specifically speaking, this fresh firmware fixes some screen GEQ black bars corruptions, and the Scene list and SoftKey navigation problems, adds Channel Link and Insert In/Out button information, and improves the SoftKey (that didn’t clear the key indicator lights) and the gain reduction meters.

In addition to that, the update also adds features such as FX Tap Tempo, mute Group control, Scene functions, colors to show active Mix, Qu-Drive transport and USB device status, USB Scene and Library transfer, and many others that you can view by following the link provided below.

As for installing the firmware, copy the downloadable file onto the root folder of a formatted USB device, insert it into the Qu-16, and go to Setup → Utility → Firmware screen.

If you have done it right, a “Found V1.20.2725” message should be displayed, and if you tap the “Update” button, the device will start installing the new firmware. At this point, the Qu-16’s screen will go blank, and when it completes the upgrade, it will restart.

That being said, download Firmware 1.20 for Allen & Heath Qu-16, apply it to the device, and enjoy your newly updated digital mixer.