The newly released packages fix possible unauthorized access issues to webUI and telnet

Aug 6, 2014 09:41 GMT  ·  By

ASUS has just rolled out new firmware packages targeted at some of its wireless routers, namely version compatible with the WL-330NUL pocket router and build developed for the producer’s RT-N10 B1 and C1, RT-N10 Plus, and RT-G32 C1 devices.

When it comes to changes, all targeted units benefit from improved security levels, but the release also resolves issues regarding multicast over wireless (such as mDNS, UPnP, AirPlay, and others), and fixes a possible problem where unauthorized access could be gained to the webUI and telnet.

As for installing these releases, simply get the appropriate downloadable archive for your router model, log into the device’s web user interface (username and password might be required), and go to Settings → Firmware Upgrade.

Now, navigate and select the .trx file format from the newly-extracted folder, click “Open,” and wait patiently for the firmware update process to complete.

Bear in mind that, after the installation finishes, you should press and hold the reset button from the back of the router in order to ensure that all changes take effect properly.

That being said, from the links below, follow the one that best describes your ASUS router, take into account all the aforementioned aspects, and upgrade your wireless unit to the latest firmware version.

Download ASUS RT-N10 Plus Router Firmware Download ASUS RT-G32 (VER.C1) Router Firmware Download ASUS RT-N10 (VER.B1) Router Firmware Download ASUS RT-N10 (VER.C1) Router Firmware Download ASUS WL-330NUL Router Firmware

Targeted ASUS Routers (7 Images)

The new updates increase the security level
ASUS RT-G32 (VER.C1) RouterASUS RT-G32 (VER.C1) Router