The new update adds support for AMD Mantle graphics API, the producer’s latest development

Feb 3, 2014 06:47 GMT  ·  By

AMD has made available a new Catalyst graphics driver, namely version 14.1 beta 1.6, which adds support for the Mantle graphics API, the producer’s groundbreaking technology that should improve the game development area.

This version increases performance up to 45% for Battlefield 4 and up to 200% for Star Swarm on the R9 290 card series compared to the DirectX version. This revolutionary Mantle API can be installed on AMD’s Radeon R9, R7, HD 7000, and HD 8000 series GPUs.

In addition to that, this fresh update resolves various texture flickering corruptions encountered in Total War: Rome 2, Total War: Shogun 2, Far Cry 3, and Call of Duty: Ghosts, as well as several scaling problems seen in Crysis 2, Red Faction, The Secret World, and Call of Duty.

Moreover, version 14.1 beta 1.6 improves performance for games such as Age of Conan, Company of Heroes, Resident Evil 5, and Battlefield 3, and fixes the display corruption and BSOD that occurred when the display was extend after disabling Multiple GPU SLS array.

As for the compatible devices, AMD’s release is suitable for both desktop and notebook system configurations running on one of Microsoft’s Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 platforms (both 32- and 64-bit variants are compatible).

That being said, if you consider upgrading to this beta version, download AMD Catalyst Mantle Graphics Driver 14.1 Beta 1.6 for either desktop or notebooks, apply it, and stay “updated one minute ago.”