ARCHOS Generation 6 SDE Firmware




SDE firmware for ARCHOS Generation 6 devices: 

- ARCHOS 5 & ARCHOS 7 Internet Media Tablet

Important notices to be acknowledged before downloading and installing the SDE firmware:

- Be aware that after installation, your device will loose the capability of playing DRM (digital rights management) protected content (e.g. videos that are present on the Archos Media Club).
- It is possible to restore the ARCHOS back to a traditional firmware, but it will not be able to play DRM protected content anymore. This functionality will be lost forever when applying the SDE firmware.
- Once the SDE firmware is installed on a device, this device will be watermarked and ARCHOS will be able to detect that this firmware has been installed once.
- Installing the SDE firmware is considered by ARCHOS as a voiding of the warranty and ARCHOS declines all liability and responsibility for any issues resulting from the installation of this SDE firmware.
- ARCHOS strongly advises that only experts in embedded software development should install this firmware.
- This firmware is provided "as is" and is not supported by ARCHOS.

ARCHOS 5 G6 SDE Firmware ARCHOS 7 G6 SDE Firmware ARCHOS SDE Firmware 5 G6 7 G6 Firmware ARCHOS

Joystick, Gamepad & Wheels
  file size:
38 MB