Pebble Steel SmartWatch Firmware 2.3




New Features:

- Improves Bluetooth LE connectivity and stability.
- Skip over notifications with a double-click.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed some BT LE connectivity issues
- Fixed potential crash on reconnect when a user had a lot of pending iOS notifications
- Fixed an issue where the watch would continue to vibrate after a call is ended
- Fixed a display issue in Bluetooth settings when the status bar incorrectly says "Now Discoverable" in airplane mode
- Fixed a display issue with the notification font settings
- Fixed a display issue with the music app showing stale information when Bluetooth is disconnected.


- Added the ability to skip to the next and previous notification by double clicking the up and down buttons
- Disabled the use of the back button for the Bluetooth pairing screen and the Alarm screen
- Show a status bar icon when notifications are set to "Phone Calls Only"
- SDK: Improve documentation and functions

Pebble Steel Firmware PebbleOS Steel SmartWatch Firmware Steel SmartWatch Firmware Steel SmartWatch Firmware Pebble PebbleOS