LXNAV LX9000 Navigation System Firmware 8.01




New features:

- Wi-Fi: added automatic FLARMnet + OGN database update
- Wi-Fi: added manual wifi password sharing between front and rear seats
- Wi-Fi: added automatic Wi-Fi credentials sharing setting to rear seat
- Hardware: added FES data forwarding to rear seat
- Near mode: added REPORT function
- Radio Bridge: added nearest frequency list
- Weight and balance: added setting to fill/dump main ballast tank first
- Weight and balance: added main tank limit also to “DUMP” dialog
- Weight and balance: added weight limits
- Task: added task sorting function
- Apt/Wp/Tsk point selection: added touchscreen support
- Apt/Wp/Tsk point selection: added keyboard selection via reduced character set
- Flarm Traffic: added “add marker” at FLARM object position function
- Remote stick: added water “DUMP” function
- Logbook.txt: Added used kWh info Logbook recovery


- Weather: live layer now applies “freeze frame time” to the latest received frame instead of the “current” frame
- SkySight: improved rasterization
- Map: scale map labels according to the importance
- Map: changed powered aircraft radar object icon
- Map: improved airspace drawing when zooming out
- DataSym: improved “energy used” data symbol
- DataSym: nearest point has settable units
- DataSym: nearest airspace zone now shows the frequency in the title
- Automatically clear all marker points when starting a fresh flight
- Flaps: if flaps pointer is out of sight arrows are drawn towards it
- Remote stick, Airspace warning messages: button change from DOT to ENTER
- FLARM settings now show info message while acquiring data
- DAQ data and configuration are now displayed on rear seat
- Increased maximum electrical engine reference voltage
- Compass calibration: indicate rotation direction in user calibration
- Speed improvements
- User interface fixes and improvements

Bug fixes:

- Map: fixed map redraw when moving fast (manifested itself as black area at corners)
- Map: fixed FAI rotate bug when per page settings were used
- Map: fixed drawing radar object path when a radar object is located outside of the visible area
- Map: fixed drawing of radar objects
- Map: fixed map elements copying (some elements weren’t copied)
- Thermal symbol: invalid value bugfix
- FLARM: settings bug fix (fixed “no tracking” turning off bug)
- FLARM: fixed compatibility with PowerFLARM 7.01 beta update
- Wi-Fi: force DHCP when sharing credentials
- Wi-Fi: fixed “FORGET network” action
- Touchscreen: fixed an user interface bug when message and keyboard are displayed at the same time
- FlightViewer: crash fix
- Task load: ensure “Auto Next” setting is disabled when the task is AAT
- Task: fixed rare “task move” crash
- Compass: disable compass wind calculation & heading if it’s not completely calibrated
- Remote stick: prevent triggering non-available function
- Prevent multiple vario inputs of the same type
- Fixed screenshot function (via remote) when in a dialog

About GPS Updates:

Updating the firmware on your GPS unit can add compatibility with various devices, fix several problems (such as incorrect translations), include support for some features, route calculation algorithms, and more.

If this present release is newer than the one already applied on your GPS navigation device, you can install it by transferring the package (or its content) to the GPS through a compatible memory card or via a USB cable, and initiate the update process from the device's setup menu.

However, please note that performing the update without knowing all the steps isn't recommended, because, worst case scenario, you could end up with a broken device. In other words, you're to make sure you carefully read and understand the update guide in full.

That being said, if you consider applying this release, make sure you have all the knowledge you need to perform the upgrade successfully, hit the download button, and update your GPS Navigation unit.

Check with our website as often as possible to stay be up to date with the latest releases.

LXNAV LX9000 Navigation Firmware LX9000 Navigation System Firmware LXNAV LX9000 GPS System Firmware LX9000 Firmware LXNAV Navigation System

OS Independent