Allen & Heath Qu-32 Digital Mixer Firmware 1.50




Features added:

- Addition of 4 DCA Groups
- Channel naming and name sync to iPads and ME-1
- Flexible output patch on dSNAKE AudioRacks and Monitor sends to ME-1
- USB recording source can be now be set to Insert Send or Direct Out
- MMC (Midi Machine Control) added to the MIDI screen and SoftKeys functions
- DAW Bank control added to SoftKeys (for use with DAW Control driver)
- Support for Qu-32
- Support for AB168 portable rugged AudioRack


- Auto mute on Phantom Power change
- General improvements to Qu-Drive recording and transport control
- Mixes can now be assigned to Mute Groups
- Increased support for Cubase broadcast WAV files

Issues fixed:

- Audio level could jump when sending to a post fade mix at very low levels.
- Alt Out level could drop momentarily on scene recall.
- Phantom Power would not initialize on some channels after reboot.
- FX wet/dry control would sometimes not update correctly.
- Mix9-10 could not be patched to an FX send on Qu-24.
- Fixes on 2Tap FX control and metering behavior.

Known Issues - Qu-Drive:

- An unformatted USB key plugged into Qu-Drive is not always recognized by the mixer. You may need to first format the USB key on a PC or Mac (FAT 32), then try to format it again on the Qu mixer.
- Loss of power or unplugging a USB key or hard drive during multi-track or stereo record may result in the current recording being lost.

Known issues - other:

- Turning off the mixer whilst connected to a PC can lock up the PC USB system. Unplug the USB cable before shutting down to prevent this.
- The Insert and Delay icons on the first Processing tab may not update correctly on Mix channels.
- Qu-Pad may not see the Qu mixer when using a static IP address (DHCP disabled).

Known issues – hardware:

- On some early Qu-16 mixers, USB noise could be heard on the ST3 input channel when the top panel ST3 mini-jack input is selected as its source and nothing is plugged in. Mute this channel or turn its fader off when it is not being used. The noise is not present when an audio source is plugged in.
- On some very early Qu-16 mixers, plugging a low impedance signal into a local preamp socket while 48V phantom power is switched ON could give an audible click at outputs even if the channel is muted. To avoid this plug the source in before turning 48V on.

Qu-32 Digital Mixer Firmware Allen & Heath Qu-32 Mixer Firmware Allen & Heath Qu-32 Firmware Qu-32 Firmware Allen & Heath Digital Mixer