A4Tech G7-300 Mouse Driver 10.10v12




How to install the driver properly:

- Save it somewhere where you will remember after download. We recommend that you save it on your desktop, so it will be easy to find.
- After successfully downloading the driver, do not open the driver file until you make sure the following has completed: REMOVE / UNINSTALL any previous driver from the PC. ( If you forgot to do this part, your driver may not be able to install correctly and successfully later )
- After the previous driver has been removed, open the downloaded file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- When it's successfully installed, please restart your computer.
- After you have restarted the computer, you will see on the bottom right corner of the taskbar an icon. This means you have installed the driver successfully.

About Mouse Drivers:

If an appropriate mouse software is applied, systems will have the ability to properly recognize and make use of all the available features. This will also allow users to configure any additional buttons.

In case you want to apply this software, all you have to do is to make sure all computer characteristics are compatible (such as operating system and bit architecture), get the package, and extract it if necessary. Afterwards, run the available setup, and follow the on-screen instructions for a complete and successful installation.

However, bear in mind that other platforms might be compatible as well, but we do not recommend applying any release on operating systems other than the highlighted ones. Also, even though not always necessary, it is best to take into account a system restart as well.

This being said, if you wish to install this version, download and apply the package, and install it on the system. Also check back with our website whenever possible, to stay up to date with latest releases.  

A4Tech G7-300 Wireless Mouse Driver A4Tech G7-300 WiFi Mouse Driver A4Tech G7 Mouse Driver G7-300 Mouse A4Tech Wireless

Keyboard & Mouse
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows Vista
Windows XP 64 bit
Windows Vista 64 bit
Windows 7
Windows 7 64 bit
  file size:
13.6 MB