Tomato Firmware 1.26




Tomato is a small, lean and simple replacement firmware for Linksys' WRT54G/GL/GS, Buffalo WHR-G54S/WHR-HP-G54 and other Broadcom-based routers. It features a new easy to use GUI, a new bandwidth usage monitor, more advanced QOS and access restrictions, enables new wireless features such as WDS and wireless client modes, raises the limits on maximum connections for P2P, allows you to run your custom scripts or telnet/ssh in and do all sorts of things like re-program the SES/AOSS button, adds wireless site survey to see your wifi neighbors, and more.


-Allow a different port to be entered in Basic:Network:Static DNS (enter as "ip:port"). Be aware that dnsmasq must act as the DNS server (the default setting) when not using the normal port 53.
-Allow DHCP to serve the user-entered gateway (in Basic:Network) if the option in Advanced:DHCP is enabled.
-Do not start miniupnpd early to avoid warning messages.
-Update Australian DST (need to re-select), add Darwin, Brisbane TZ. Thanks to Peter O. for the info.
-Avoid double loading of tomato.css
-Fix possible null dereference in sendpage
-Collapsed all menus. For the old look, set nvram: "web_mx=status,bwm,tools"
-Obscured some key/password fields when not in focus.
-Accept more than two MAC addresses per IP address (ex: one IP for a laptop either wired or wireless [one at a time]). Note: Some computers may not like seeing the same IP unless it's restarted.
-Added LED options back in Admin:Buttons/LED.
-Added ID for WLA2-G54L, TrueMobile 2300 thanks to Nick B. and David J.
-Added EditDNS thanks to Keith M.
-Added UTC+4:30 Kabul time zone.
-Fixed port set validation allowed more than what could be handled.
-Allow rstats to log if WAN port is used for LAN.
-Update dnsmasq to 2.51, miniupnpd 1.4, busybox 1.14.4, matrixssl 1.8.8.

NOTE: This firmware is provided as-is without any warranty. I will NOT be responsible for damages that occur due to the use of this firmware. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Use 7Zip to decompress files.

Tomato Firmware Tomato Drivers Tomato Tomato Firmware Linksys Broadcom

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  file size:
2.7 MB