Boxee+ Hacks Player Firmware 1.4.6




The new version mainly improves fanart support, and should get rid of those python errors that have been popping up for many international users.

But that’s not all. In addition the following improvements have also been released:

- Fixes the Boxee Box shutdown issue
- Increased SMB cache for better network performance
- General fanart handling improvements (better detection for TV shows)
- Friends can now be replaced by apps
- Pandora app has been added as option for on the Home screen
- Fixes jump to last unwatched episode when browsing in reversed order
- Other small stability improvements
- Updated to 1.4.6 (from 1.4.5) to include a fixes to Pandora music icon, Boxee Box shutdown, and some other jump to latest unwatched item issues


Note: Before you start, make sure you know what you are doing. This software is not affiliated with Boxee and may void your warranty

1. Start by downloading the install package and unzipping it somewhere on your harddrive
2. Format a USB stick or SD card and name it 'BOXEE' (be sure to use only capitals)
3. Copy the contents of the 'install' folder that you downloaded earlier to the USB stick or SD card
4. Plug the USB stick or SD card into your Boxee Box
5. Go into 'Settings'->'Network'->'Servers'
6. Enable 'Enable Windows file sharing'
7. Add ';sh /media/BOXEE/' to your 'Host Name'. After you're done it should look like 'boxeebox;sh /media/BOXEE/'
8. Navigate away from the 'Servers' screen. Your Boxee Box's logo will turn red, the install will begin, and when it's done will restart your Boxee Box
9. After restarting check to make sure if in 'Settings'->'Network'->'Servers' the 'Enable Windows file sharing' checkbox is still checked. If not check it again, and restart your Boxee Box
10. Now you should have access to all the new features

About Media Player Firmware:

Installing a firmware update for your Media Player improves the general user experience by adding new features, fixing bugs, and enhancing the compatibility of your device, in order to play various formats of audio and video content.

By updating your Media Player, you can actually prolong the device’s life because, this way, it will be in sync with the new industry standards for content creation.

However, the process of updating your device is a risky one if not done according to strict instructions, such as: make sure that the firmware you have downloaded is compatible with your device, and don’t interfere with the player during the update process.

The most common method of upgrading your Media Player is by using a USB stick or update DVD. Although this process is very straightforward, each device has certain particularities that you must take into account.

If you consider using this update for your Media Player, feel free to click the download button, install the firmware and enjoy. Check out our website as often as possible to keep your Media Player up to date with the latest software and firmware.

Boxee+ Hacks Media Player Firmware Boxee+ Hacks Firmware Update BoxeeBox Player Firmware Boxee+ Hacks Media Player Firmware Player

DVD / Blu-Ray / Media Players
OS Independent
  file size:
14.4 MB