The release improves Quantum Break performance by up to 35%

Apr 5, 2016 06:29 GMT  ·  By

AMD has rolled out a new version of its Radeon Crimson Edition Graphics driver, namely version 16.4.1 hotfix, which maintains support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR headsets, and improves performance for Quantum Break by up to 35% on Radeon R9 Fury X cards. 

In addition to that, the present update also fixes frame rate capping issues spotted with some DirectX 12 applications, as well as Hitman flickering events experienced when playing the game in DirectX 11 mode with high shadow settings.

However, AMD’s release might still encounter poor scaling, flickering issues, power inefficiency in some cases, crashes/hands, or a few other problems as highlighted in the Release Notes below.

Regarding compatibility, the 16.4.1 AMD Hotfix version consists of two downloadable executables suitable for certain GPU models running under one of Microsoft’s Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 platforms (one for each bit architecture).

Therefore, if you intend to make use of these changes, make sure your configuration is valid for this update, save the appropriate package for your computer, run it, and follow all instructions displayed on-screen.

Last but not least, once completed, it would be a good idea to perform a system reboot to allow all changes to take effect properly. If this task isn’t requested automatically, make sure to carry it out manually.

That said, download AMD Radeon Crimson Graphics Driver 16.4.1 Hotfix, apply it, and enjoy these new changes. Also, constantly check our website to stay “updated one minute ago.”

Release Notes